Friday, January 10, 2014

My Top 10 Favorite Movies

I decided to do this before I see Her, just in case that movie knocks one of these off the list and I don't get to talk about it. I will review Her once I get to see it; hopefully soon :D Let's get started!

Spoilers. Duh.

10. Gladiator

I love this movie for two reasons: Joaquin Phoenix and Russell Crowe. Can someone spell sexy? B.O.D.Y. A.R.M.O.R. Yup. But really, I am obsessed with the idea that in history, thanks to bloodlines, petty, weak, jealous, cruel men were handed empires on silver platters before they could walk. Meanwhile, honorable men faced awful fates and lost everything. This is such an awesome classic that I will probably love forever.

You guys gonna fight or kiss? {via}

9. It's a Wonderful Life

This will always be my favorite Christmas movie. It's so sweet and I love thinking that "every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings". Or her wings, duh. Not to mention, this is where Meg from Supernatural pulled Castiel's nickname, "Clarence", aka the worlds most adorable angel. Anyhow, Ima watch this until it doesn't make me cry anymore. Still going strong.

Daww {via}

8. Inception

Holy DiCaprio. Why has nobody given this man an Oscar yet? Nolan refuses to disappoint visually, as well, and I love the idea of dream building. The best part of this is when Cobb recruits Ariadne and lets her play with the physics of the dream world. That, and the "You're waiting for a train . . ." mantra; that was creepy and sweet at the same time. I can watch this over and over and notice something new every time. I have also finally arrived at the existential conclusion that even if Cobb is still dreaming at the end, who cares? He's finally happy.


7. Quills

Yup, the movie about the crazy guy who wrote very explicit porn in Napoleon's France, even when they took his quills away. Yes, it's a lewd film. Very much so. It's also very well done by Geoffrey Rush, Kate Winslet, and (again) Joaquin Phoenix. I like him. Basically, it asks the question of whether or not smut counts as art, and it lashes out against censorship; especially of the religious sort. Rush gets naked, though, so it's not all fun. Ew stahp you're old.

Oh, the excitement. {via}

6. The Patriot

I mean, I hate Mel Gibson as much as the next person, but let's be real, he plays a real good father figure. The best part about this movie is that the actual 'patriot' is Thomas, who tries to save his older brother and is shot in the back for his trouble. The revenge-driven Benjamin and Gabriel Martin certainly do heroic things, but they are not pure human beings. They have faults and seek to avenge their family and the families of others. Not historically accurate, but a very good movie all together. And I love me some evil Jason Isaacs.

I like dat flag. Dat's a nice flag. {via}

5. The Prestige

I love everything about this film. It is smart and full of longing, and the ending isn't the most innovative thing I've ever seen, but it still was a surprise to me the first time watching. The best part is the whole 'suffering for your art' aspect that allows for the best magic trick of all: actual death. Tesla's magic wardrobe and voltage machine have nothing on self sacrifice.

Hey kid, I'm way better looking than you. {via}

4. Les Miserables

Hooray! More Hugh Jackman! But really, though, Hugh did an incredible job on this film; as did Anne and the rest of the cast. It is just so enjoyable to watch, and the story is timeless because nothing carries more weight than love and its redeeming qualities. Uh oh. I can feel "Can You Hear the People Sing" about to get stuck in my head again. It is the music of a people who will NOT be slaves again . . .

She's kind of my fave. {via}

3. There Will Be Blood

Thank goodness Daniel Day Lewis won "Best Actor" for his role in this movie. The director, Paul Thomas Anderson, has this incredible way of making anxiety tangible on screen, and Lewis was the perfect star in this allegory of Revelations. It is a creepy, terrifying, oily film (hehe), and I cannot get enough of it. Just, ugh, watch it. Please.

#selfie {via}

2. The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh

There isn't much to say about this except that it is perfection and Disney magic and adorableness and love. Pooh will always be one of my favorite animated characters. I love that in this film, Gopher keeps falling into his gopher hole and yelling back to the characters on screen, "I'm not in the book, you know!" So cute. There is always going to be a place in my heart for that silly old bear and the Hundred Acre Wood.

Hoo-hoo hoo-hoo! T I double-Guh Er {via}

1. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

A lot of my favorite movies have something to do with differing states of mind and mental illness. Oskar Schell is a kid with a form of autism that enhances his desperation for challenging adventures, and when his dad and hero dies on September 11th, his fears and compulsions intensify on his search to stay connected to the father he lost. I just love this. It is perfect. Tom Hanks is perfect. Thomas Horn is perfect. It's just great.

:) {via}

Hope you guys discovered a new movie or an old favorite! Until next time :)

With love,

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