Sunday, January 5, 2014

Bucket List (Part 1)


It's about time I made one of these! And, you know, why not show it to the internet?

1. Meet Joaquin Phoenix (AKA my sexy idol who hates people. Eh, he can't deny my love for him, right?)

2. Go sky diving (duh)

3. Meet anyone from Supernatural (Preferably someone sexy. Or Mark Sheppard, who is occasionally also sexy)

4. Travel to every continent in the world (2 down, 5 to go)

5. Learn five languages (1.2 down . . .)

6. Write a novel (or 3)

7. Live for at least a year in 10 different countries.

8. Attend an amazing party and pretend to have a completely different personality.

9. Meet John and/or Hank Green and thank them for being awesome.

10. Attend a Chapel Hill v. Duke basketball game (go Heels! :D)

That's all for Part 1! Part 2 coming soon!

PS. I will edit these posts and cross through each item as I complete it :)

With love,

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